Tag Archives: Half Marathon

Half Marathon Milestone #1

25 Jan

I’ll admit I’m a bit of a wimp when it comes to running in the cold.  Anything down to 25 degrees is fine and I’ll even push myself to go outside for a really short run (like 5 feet) when it gets close to 20.  The concept of doing anything but sitting inside curled up under a blanket when the temperature drops into the teens, on the other hand, is completely beyond me. 

Needless to say, I did not go outside and run last Saturday.  I did, though, make it to the gym to run on the perfectly climate-controlled treadmill, complete with a personal TV and multi-speed fan.  Where’s the big achievement in that?  I ran 4 whole miles!! 

I may have run those miles at a snail’s pace and I might have still been too sore to do a full swim on Sunday or run at all yesterday, but that’s more than I have ever consecutively run in my life.  Even better, I didn’t really start getting winded, tired, or sore until more than 3 1/2 miles into the run.  Still better, I’m now starting to think of a two-mile run as “just 2 miles” instead of my long run for the week.  Kind of a new concept for me.

With today’s balmy temperatures around 40 and my muscles well-rested, I should have no excuses not to repeat my triumph outdoors.  Next step will be to add the interval training I’ve been conveniently avoiding.

PS. I’m really sorry about blog’s strange layout.  Something has gone seriously wrong and I’m still trying to figure it out.